Thursday, September 30, 2010


It's Lola's FOURTH birthday today! Happy birthday!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Max: Please phone my secretary to make an appointment.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Max: I've gone visiting, and Lola won't stop napping! (Yes that is a 48 inch high gate I cleared- I am a super rabbit!)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Domino: nap time

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Domino: That's some mighty big basil you've grown there...

Friday, September 17, 2010


Lola: I enjoy eating wicker.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Max: I need my own show. We can call it, "Little Bunny, Big World..."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Domino has gorgeous eyes!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Domino: It's safe to sleep here.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Lola: I'm sorry, there is no complaint department.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Max: Already?

The bunnies have taken over!

Hi there- this is Max, one of the three bunnies that lives here at McGuinness Photography. We've been eyeing this blog for some time, and since the human hasn't made good use of it in a couple of months, we've decided to take it over! Today you'll meet the gang. It's me, Lola and Domino. I came here in late April after being a rejected Easter bun.

Lola's been here for what seems like forever (she's turning four on Sept. 30!) - she's also top bun in this house.

And there's Domino, who was adopted shortly after I came here. (Before Domino and I came here, there was Molly, who was sadly lost to the Rainbow Bridge in early April.)

So that's us- it's nice to meet you!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Awaiting spring

It's cloudy but warmer today in Connecticut. Many seed and plant catalogs collect on my tables, offering a glimpse of what spring and summer may hold. Everyday I have big plans, and everyday they shift. Last week the new vegetable plots in mind for the southern portion of the property line have been moved back behind the house where they will be east- facing and less likely disturbed by the neighbor's dog. Today lattice trellises may be the problem solver for the need for privacy on the back patio, as well as a place to grow climbing roses.

This is my first official spring in our home. We moved in last June and while I had a fun time playing catch- up, I'm really looking forward to planning this growing season, and planting at the right times. I also have a better idea of how the garden will look when the black walnut and maple trees towering above our home set to leaf. Last year I planned for more sun then the trees provided, and had to transplant several plants in an effort to save them- some of which did not survive the journey.

A garden has always been a source of inspiration for me- not only as a muse for my camera lens but a sense of tranquility and accomplishment rolled into one. Creating a better garden not only is a hobby, but a way I become a better person as well.

So I'll continue to daydream and sketch- and then resketch where the apple gourds wil grow, how many raised beds I need, or how alpine geraniums may look clustered in window boxes out front. For while the garden is gray and muddy at this time of year, it is a blank canvas awaiting the spectacle of color only nature can provide.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Treasury featured on S and O Productions blog!

Last night, I had the great fortune of logging into the treasury section of etsy at the exact time the treasury opened up for new lists. The word "alive" rapidly entered my mind, and in an instant, the treasury was mine! It's been some time since I had the ability to create a treasury, and even though I'm not online as much as I used to be, I've kept a pretty current list of my favorite items from sellers on etsy. Today I learned that my treasury was featured in the Elite 8 - what an honor! Here's hoping the treasury gets "hot" enough to make it to the etsy front page!